Will a MTI Industry 35-742-BL Carbon Monoxide/ Propane Leak Detector drive my solenoid shut off valve?
I currently have a CCI 7719 LP detector with a shut off solenoid in my RV. I need to replace it as it is date coded 2004 (my RV is a 2005 Country Coach so apparently detector is original). I've read that your: Safe-T-Alert 70-742-P-R-BR-KIT Dual CO/LP RV Gas Alarm with Solenoid Shutoff Valve - Brown is a direct replacement. True? I have a dedicated CO detector already as well as a dedicated smoke detector, so all I really need is a lp detector like your MTI Industry 35-742-BL Carbon Monoxide/ Propane Leak Detector. Will the later connect to and trigger my existing shut off solenoid?
Question ID: 4415085 Status:
Open Apr 22, 2023 - 12:53 PM
LP Gas, Electronics
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