Jun 15, 2020 - 12:37 PM
The Hughes Autoformer units are designed to protect you from surges or spikes that you might experience from your RV park, caused by the neighbors, power company, etc. Their 50 Amp Power Watchdog units have 4,800 Joules of protection, which is again higher than most of the competition. But to put it into perspective, a typical lightning bolt can have 2 - 10 BILLION Joules of electricity! A direct lighting strike is not something that any surge protector can typically protect against. At the same time, if the lightning strike is far enough away, or it is diminished by the ground, etc. then the protector would work. So it is always recommended to have one to protect you from all the other potential causes of a surge or spike. But when you talk about lightning, because it is so amazingly strong, all bets are off.
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