Mar 23, 2020 - 08:28 AM
Cycling can come from a few different ways: one way is restrictions on your sinks and shower head and these can either be removed or you can increase the hole size to cause back pressure to the pump. Also you may have to adjust your by-pass on the pump head. SO looking at the pump head you have the pressure switch which has two wires running out of it and then below it on the left is the by-pass. You will have to take the epoxy off the set screw once that is exposed I want you to do the following: Turn on a water source and this will start your pump let run for 10 seconds if it starts to cycle turn that by-pass switch in clockwise until it stops. Also if doesn't surge until you shut the pump down that’s fine do the same thing turn in until it stops pulsating. This should clear up all your issues.
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