Oct 25, 2018 - 03:03 AM
You can trim the center bar to make it fit. Here are the instructions: Trimming the Extend-A-Shower to fit If your shower is too small to allow the Extend-A-Shower you purchased to operate as designed, you can trim it down to fit your specific needs. To determine how much the Extend-A-Shower needs to be trimmed down, you will need to measure the width of your shower at the location you intend to mount this product. Assemble the center rod to both the right and left arms. Then remove one of the fittings from the center rod while it’s still attached to either the right or left arm. Next, lay the tape measure out on a flat surface to represent the width of the shower. Lay out the Extend-AShower on both ends of the tape measure placing the right and left tubes at a 45 degree angle to the shower opening (see diagram A). The center rod will intersect the detached arm at the location that needs to be trimmed (see Diagram B). Tape the area to be trimmed to protect the finish, then mark and trim the rod. Use either a tube cutter or fine tooth hack saw to trim down the shower rod. Be sure to re-drill the hole at the end you cut on the same plane as the other side, so there is no twist in the mounting bracket. When installing the shower rod, make sure the screw heads are down. There is no dimple in the piece that was just trimmed. The screw head will interfere with the shower rings if they are located at the top of the shower rod. Tools you will need: Tape measure Philips screwdriver Pipe cutter or hack saw Electric drill 3/16” drill bit Tape

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