Mar 01, 2016 - 04:02 AM
The Batterminder while a good unit, wouldn't be the right device to maintain the battery on the Explorer while in tow. You would have to run the generator in the RV for the 110v power or use an inverter. We do have a product designed for the job though. It is the LSL toad charge -->
It is permently installed and will only charge while the RV is running so it cannot run the motorhomes battery down if you stop. You will connect a harness to your RV's start batteries, there is a disconnect cable between the RV and vehicle to easily detach when not towing. And a 10 amp charger maintainer keeps the battery and the perfect charge without over charging.
It is permently installed and will only charge while the RV is running so it cannot run the motorhomes battery down if you stop. You will connect a harness to your RV's start batteries, there is a disconnect cable between the RV and vehicle to easily detach when not towing. And a 10 amp charger maintainer keeps the battery and the perfect charge without over charging.
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