Aug 12, 2015 - 09:36 PM
The green light indicates that the TOAD-CHARGE Charge Regulator is receiving some DC voltage from the motor-home. However, the fact the yellow CHARGING light is not illuminated indicates that it's not enough DC voltage. Typically, this is caused by either (1.) a poor connection somewhere between the motor-home battery and the Charge Regulator, or (2.) connection to a motor-home battery which is not being charged while the motor-home is being driven. Please make sure that your voltage measurements at the MOTOR-HOME [+] and [-] terminals on the Charge Regulator, while the dinghy vehicle is plugged into the motor-home, with the motor-home engine running. Often, customers will measure voltage with the dinghy vehicle unplugged from the motor-home, or while the motor-home engine is off - either of which will cause an erroneous measurement. Also, check to make sure both green connectors on the Charge Regulator are seated tightly. Occasionally, one will partially unplug itself, resulting in a poor connection.
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