Well it's me again, Mr. xxxx retentive,
Atwood 15022 Air Command Ducted RV AC Ceiling Assembly
Well it's me again, Mr. xxxx retentive, proofreader... Again the measurements for most RV's Vents are 14" x 14" or 14 inches by 14 inches, different product and same misunderstanding of the difference between 14' and 14", perhaps the web page author should be schooled on the difference and improving their technical understanding? May I suggest that you proof read ALL your product information on your web pages to a)ensure accurate information is being conveyed, and b) to bolster confidence in your Customer support base who pay attention to details. After all as a consumer I am finding it difficult to want to purchase a product especially of the value of an A/C and a ceiling assembly when we don't even understand the difference between feet and inches... I can just imagine what my Customer Experience would be like when I tried to fit it into a 14' opening and it went crashing to the floor... Incidentally, most RV's even with a Super slide aren't even 14' wide!!!
Question ID: 1699435 Status:
Open Jun 12, 2015 - 08:08 PM
Aug 06, 2015 - 04:24 PM
Thank you for bringing this error to our attention. We strive on providing correct product information to our customers but, sometime mistakes can be made. We'll be sure to get this information corrected immediately. �
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